The Measure of Faith

by Roland Foster

“… each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. (Romans 12:3)

One day it occurred to me that “the measure of faith that God has assigned” to each of us is like the assignments of talents in the parable in Matthew 25:14-30. If we don't invest the faith that God has given to us, whether large or small, it does not grow. We may be able to say to the Lord later on, “See, I still have the faith you gave me at the start,” but that is obviously a “wicked and lazy” course, as the parable demonstrates.

What does it mean to “invest” one's faith? I think it means, simply, to apply it; that is, to exercise it, or to act on it. It means to “take the leap of faith” when the opportunity is offered--to go out on a limb in striving to obey God and serve Him. It means to truly believe that God is with us today; that He is able today; and that His promises are true, and for us, today; and to act accordingly. It means to look for ways to step out in faith, and to trust God to meet our needs and guide our steps. The “heroes of the faith” listed In Hebrews 11 not only had faith; they acted on it. Over and over it was not that the person had faith; but, rather, “by faith” he or she did something. Each one's faith was noteworthy because it was faith in action, accomplishing the will of God while trusting and depending on Him.

Faith without works is dead (James 2:14, 17, 26), but faith-filled works are a major investment opportunity!

Lord God, guide me to invest the faith you give me, and keep re-investing it as it grows. Amen.