"God Loves You"

by Roland Foster

This is the Gospel message for each person, in a nutshell: “God loves you so much that He gave the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the punishment for your sins.”

How many Christians are doing good works, ministering to the needs of millions of people, without striving to get that message across?

Every box or bag of food given out by a food bank ought to be accompanied by these spoken words: “God loves you.” Every shelter operated by Christians should have a large sign on its walls saying, “God loves you.” Everything Christians do to help others, who may not be Christians, should be accompanied by this simple truth: “God loves you.”

Would that have an impact? I believe it would. Some would ignore it and go their way, unchanged; but others would think, “I keep hearing that -- maybe it's true.”

The way to change the world is to change hearts. The way to change hearts is by showing, and speaking, LOVE.